Markings On Micro Sd Cards
In the tech world, it's all too common to slap a fake label and packaging on a lower quality product, especially SD cards. If you've ever bought an SD card on the cheap from a slightly-less-than-reputable source (or even a reputable source, in some cases), how do you know if it's the real deal?
Apr 01, 2016 What is difference between micro SD, and micro SDHC and micro SDXC cards? Update Cancel. A d by Wikibuy. Secure Digital High Capacity card (SDHC card), Secure Digital Extended Capacity card (SDXC card) Refer more details about Refer SDHC vs SDXC for more detail. Varun Chauhan, enthusiast. Micro sdxc vs micro sdhc. How can the answer be improved? CARDS - What is the difference between SDHC and SD Cards? A SD card will normally work in a SDHC device (possibly with lower performance). SD cards are in the following capacities 4,8,16,32,64,128,256 512MB and 1GB, 2GB only. Currently mainly 2GB SD cards are being sold.
SD Insight is a free app for Android that displays manufacturer information, model number, and the capacity of an SD card inserted into your phone or tablet. This information can be used to see if you have a fake product or not. SD Insight can also provide info on your internal storage and any SDIO card installed in your device, if that's something you're concerned about.
Is there a utility, for Windows 7 64-bit preferably, that can tell me the type of SD card or microSD card that has been inserted Class 4, class 6, etc.
Freeware is preferred, but I am willing to hear about other options.
closed as off-topic by DavidPostill♦, Nifle, mdpc, random♦Jan 9 '15 at 4:00
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
- 'Questions seeking product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they become outdated quickly and attract opinion-based answers. Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve. Share your research. Here are a few suggestions on how to properly ask this type of question.' – DavidPostill, Nifle, mdpc, random
1 Answer
You can use this utility (H2testw) to determine the class of your SD card. If the test result is 'n MB/secs', then its class is 'n'.
Normally, SD cards are Class 2 unless it is specified on it.